Friday, May 14, 2010

A little of this, a little of that

So I think I mentioned months ago that I moved my sewing machine out of the kid's room, but I realized I never did get around to posting before and after pictures! Alright, this was my old area.

I had lots of room to work, and it usually looked all disastrous like this, too. Though, it looks like I must have had my machine on the kitchen table when I took these pictures...

Anyways, I had lots of space, but Zoey couldn't even play in her own room, and once she was finally taking naps in her crib regularly, I couldn't sew during naptime. Despair! What was I to do? I told my husband that all my sewing stuff was getting transferred to our bedroom!! He was incredibly gracious and said that was just fine. He's so awesome :)

And this is what my sewing space looks like now:

I kept putting off taking pictures because I always have things such a mess, so I figured I would let you all see my disaster area or else I would never get pictures posted. It's so nice to be able to walk in and sew whenever I have a chance now!

And while I am at it, here is my current quilt project:

This one is going kind of slow, because I am pretty much improv-ing my blocks, and cutting whatever I want as I need it. So, 9 blocks down, 11 to go!


AzGram said...

Kirst, I really love this one. So bright & cheery. Especially for a kids' room. GG

Kim and Jim said...

I love your fabric choices for the quilt- how adorable!

Linda in Arkansas said...

I had to laugh when I saw pictures of your sewing area, it looks just like mine - including a crib! The crib I have is for my grandson's naps. I'm so happy to see another mess er I mean "well lived-in" sewing area.

I'm glad you were able to move out of your daughhter's room and isn't your hubby a sweetie to not mind? Sewing will be nicer for you now. Thanks for making my day and posting pictures.