Friday, November 19, 2010

Holiday Homemakers Sale

I love you all, and I don't want to annoy you with advertising, but well, I'm gonna advertise. Well, we will call it INFORMING instead of advertising :)

I am participating in a boutique tomorrow, and would love to see some visitors! I will be selling quilts: all of those currently on my etsy site plus 5 more that haven't made it online yet. And a few of my etsy quilts will be on SALE at the show! My friend and I will also be selling these super cute coal sacks, awesome stocking stuffers!

There will be some other awesome and talented vendors with cool stuff too!
Hair bows/flowers
Bow boards(these are sooo cool!)
And more!

For anyone interested, it will be from 8am-2pm tomorrow, Saturday 20, at the S.E. corner of Recker & Guadalupe in Superstition Highlands, Gilbert - follow the signs!

Thanks tons for putting up with all of my, uh, informing, and hope to see you there!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I hate coming up with post titles

Preparations for the boutique on Saturday(eek, only 2 days away and still much to do!) continue around here. I have added two more finished quilts to the growing stack that I have yet to show off; I just counted and there are SEVEN unphotographed fnished quilts sitting here! Ok, I have my naptime activity today...
Anyways, along with my quilty preparations, my awesome friend Melanie came up with a super fun item for us to make for this boutique. So, off I went on Tuesday to craft! We decided it is way more fun to craft with someone else than all by our lonesome!
Of course, lame blogger that I am, I forgot my camera! Luckily, Mel is much more blog responsible (and has a much better camera!), so she snapped the pictures. And put up a fabulous post! So, I now direct you to visit the Crafty Cupboard to see our fun!

ps- Hurray for no face shots in those pictures since my hair was still wet and I had not a speck of makeup on!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

All quiet on the blog front

So, the blog has been pretty quiet lately. Closer to completely silent than quiet, really... But that is because I have been sewing up a storm and haven't taken the time to 1) take pictures of whatever I am working on or 2)uuhh, blog about it. I'm lame, I know.
Besides some awesome halloween costumes (Waldo, as in Where's Waldo, Wenda his girlfriend, and a super cute punk rocker; pictures to come!), I have this whole stack of quilts that need to be photographed:

Yeah, I already admitted I was a lame blogger. I am WAAAAY behind!

And I started this one this week:

Blocks made with my square in square tutorial. I love these blocks, I can't seem to make enough quilts with them! I am participating in a Holiday Boutique on 11/20 (If you are local and want more info, let me know! The coordinator is still looking for vendors, or if you want to shop, I can get you that info too!), so I hope to have this one done by then, but I want it to be on the bigger side, so who knows if that will actually happen!